Spring is officially here
I don't care what the calendars say, today marks the first day of spring. The temperatures have finally risen and are steadily above freezing. Earlier this week I was out playing soccer in shorts even. Just this morning, I swapped the snow tires on my car for my summers (that makes it much quieter). The ice is gone and the snow mounds are rapidly diminishing.
I am still working on the Wordpress move that I have been planning since... well, a long time ago. I have a copy maintained on my computer so that once things are ready, I can upload it and be ready within a few days (links will surely break for a while). I still don't have any plausible way to pay for anything online, but I am working on solving that issue. I trying to get this done as soon as possible, but not guarantees as to when this will be.
I am still working on the Wordpress move that I have been planning since... well, a long time ago. I have a copy maintained on my computer so that once things are ready, I can upload it and be ready within a few days (links will surely break for a while). I still don't have any plausible way to pay for anything online, but I am working on solving that issue. I trying to get this done as soon as possible, but not guarantees as to when this will be.