The Reader III
This is the third week of The Reader series.
- Turn Google into your own personal (free) Napster - I've heard about this one, but I have never actually seen the input for getting it.
- MySpace Predator Caught By Code - Not all good news for MySpace. It shows how little effort was needed to take action.
- Man claims new fasting record, nobody cared - A stunt just for publicity gets nowhere.
- School bans tag, other chase games - They might as well just eliminate recess. They eliminating ever possible way to have fun because of legal reasons.
- US internet addicts 'as ill as alcoholics' - I would like to say that I'm not addicted, but just don't have many other alternatives to constructively use my time.
- Scrabble-tile benches - They don't look very comfortable, but the would be a good conversation starter.
Labels: The Reader