
Monday, June 11, 2007

WWDC: Jobs presents Leopard, extras

[Image: Steve Jobs at 2007 WWDC]
The most prominent idea at this years WWDC was Leopard. Steve Jobs listed ten new features in Leopard (plus hundreds more unsaid). Of course, that is not to say that everything was serious. The opening feature Johns Hodgman, PC, as Steve Jobs announcing his retirement and closure of Apple due to the tremendous "success" of Vista and the Zune.

He mentioned improvements made to Finder, and iChat; how Leopard is 100% 64-bit. He briefly covered Parallels and Windows apps. He announced "spaces" which received a smaller applause as it has been touted on Apple's site for ages. He also mentioned the dashboard and Timemachine, which makes it much easier to manage backups (works together with Finder).

He finishes the main presentation with more Vista jokes about versions and pricing (all $129). But thinking of Windows, Safari is coming to PCs. I'll have to try it out. At the very least, its speed is touted to be much better than Firefox.

[Image: Apple site redesign]While I was quickly looking for information on Apple, I discovered that they just redesigned their site.[Image: Apple site redesign] Things are somewhat easier to navigate (in my opinion). The most noticeable difference is in the store, where items are more spread out and are more visually appealing.

Now I'm just waiting for Leopard to come out. If I am going to get a Mac sometime soon, I would prefer waiting until the newest operating system is out. Why buy a new machine if the OS will be out of date soon? Hopefully the wait won't be too long because I'm not sure how long I can wait.

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7:02 PM | Posted by mike | 2 comments posted below


The new Leopard beta seems stable enough that I'm installing it as my primary OS. I really hate the translucent menu bar, though. The icons like the battery indicator, volume, and airport signal are very difficult to read with certain desktop backgrounds. Almost everyone I spoke to says the same thing.
By Blogger mike3k, at 6/12/2007 02:36:00 AM
When I saw it in the background during Jobs' presentation, I thought the same thing. Did they think it through enough to let people adjust it, or is it stuck in place?
By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/12/2007 11:40:00 AM
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