The Reader VII
This is the sixth edition of "The Reader" series where I collect headlines from blogs all over around sum up the week.
- (Video) Guy Builds Functional Roller Coaster in Backyard - I think that the guy had a little too much spare time, but that would be the focus of many family gatherings.
- Fly with rubber band ball, go to jail, forced blood test - Here is why security sucks. All these people focus on the wrong areas. While this guy was being probed, they probably let a real threat through.
- Internet Only 1% Porn - That figure, while reassuring to lazy parents who don't care what their kids do online, is likely off. It has been pointed out in numerous places that it probably only includes web pages and that UseNet and other mediums may make that figure significantly higher.
- Billy Bragg and manager: The Internet is for sharing files - DRM is the failure of the recording industry. People want to sahre what they bought, not have some company who hates your guts dictate what you can and cannot do.
- PS3 hopefuls shot with BB's at Kentucky Best Buy - Look what Sony did now. Really though, I don't understand why people are so violent over a video game system.
- UK RFID passports cracked - That didn't take long. I wonder if they will reconsider using it now- probably not.
- Ballmer: Linux users are patent-crooks - Microsoft is the crook. I think they just need to get over it already.
- Paramount/MPAA: it's illegal to put DVDs on iPods - If you buy it, you should have complete control over it. Period.
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